
欢迎来到Kozmetsky卓越中心. 科兹梅茨基卓越中心是连接我们校园的枢纽, 学生, 以及奥斯汀市民生活的教职员工, 德州. 与非营利组织合作, 政府官员, 著名学者, 媒体专家, the center provides a forum for solving some of our world’s most challenging public issues. We facilitate and promote opportunities for 学生 and faculty to form working relationships with individuals and groups that are civically engaged in a public capacity. 我们的校园公民实验室, 播客, 学生项目, 政治专家访谈, 以及在校园举办论坛和对话, provide an engine for generating collaborative  solutions  among experts, 学生, 教职员工和广大公众. 科兹梅茨基中心有助于推进圣. 爱德华大学致力于培养多元化的学生群体, preparing graduates with the tools needed to contribute to a more humane, 公正和可持续的世界.


The Kozmetsky卓越中心 promotes healthy civic life and engagement in Austin, 德州. 通过我们活跃的项目, 社区连接, 以及教育项目, we promote and equip 学生 with the democratic tools for being productive and active citizens of a pluralistic society, 有识别能力, 合作, 并解决公共问题,有助于更人性化, 公正和可持续的世界. We promote a strong civic 教育 for 学生 to develop the knowledge, 技能, 积极公民的态度和性格.  Kozmetsky will advance the role of global citizenship and applied scholarship to serve our community and advance St. 爱德华大学的学术卓越和卓越. Our activities in the center will promote a vibrant and inclusive campus life, following the Holy Cross 任务 across all disciplines to attract broad student and faculty engagement in our projects and programs. Our goal is to be a leader in civic life that promotes diversity, equity, inclusion and justice.


The Kozmetsky Center contributes to academic programs and the learning experience of 学生 at St. 在爱德华大学的几个层面上. The core objectives for our programs and activities in support of the St. 爱德华的学术团体包括:

  • Leading conversations and action about equality and justice in civic life.
  • 将我们的圣十字使命与奥斯汀的利益相关者联系起来.
  • 教导学生如何积极参与公民生活.
  • Promoting a vision of hope to achieve a just, equitable and diverse society.
  • 深度整合的体验式学习机会. 爱德华的学生.
  • Supporting faculty and student theoretical and applied research on 公民参与 and civic life.
  • 在圣. 爱德华大学教职员, 学生, 社区领袖和实践者, 解决我们社会中重要的公民问题.
  • Serving Austin and Central 德州 as a source of research and information on best practices for 公民参与.


Dr. 大卫·托马森,主任


大卫·托马森博士.D is an Associate Professor of 政治科学 with over 20 years of experience working in government related leadership positions and higher 教育. 

David holds a doctorate in political science from Arizona State University, a Master of 艺术s from the University of Missouri and a Bachelor of 艺术s from West 德州 A&米大学. 最近,他在圣. 365比分网电竞, where he created and directed an innovative program called the Civics Lab. 作为一名教授, 他在州和地方政策方面进行研究和指导, 公共预算和政策, 宣传, 公民参与, 以及立法程序. 同时, 他创立了自己的公共政策公司, providing expertise and direction for clients in the 德州 political process.

He served for over 11 years as senior vice president of public policy for a large 德州 health-care association. David started his career in 德州 policy and politics in the 德州 Senate, 与民选领导人和全州公职人员密切合作. He also has a strong background in entrepreneurship, having launched two small businesses. 除了, 他创办并制作了一系列关于美国公民生活的播客, 观众来自20个国家和每一个美国.S. 状态.

大卫不仅在德州有立法经验, 亚利桑那州也是如此, where he served as a fiscal analyst with the Arizona Legislature’s Joint Legislative Budget Committee. 作为公共政策顾问, David has worked in over 15 状态s on public policy and 公民参与. 他在专业上的卓越成就不胜枚举, 但他的热情延伸到了棒球比赛, 以及在希尔郡几乎所有的河流上飞钓.


艾莉森·布鲁克斯,行为学学术项目助理主任 & 社会科学


艾莉森·布鲁克斯是圣. 爱德华的 alumna who currently serves as Assistant Director of Academic 项目 for the 行为与社会科学学院, 包括科兹梅茨基卓越中心. A 2010 graduate with a double Bachelors Degree in 沟通 and International Relations, Allison worked at the 德州 State Capitol and climbed the ranks from senate messenger to legislative aide and finally to 时间表r & 两个州参议员的国会办公室经理. 在这个角色中, she formed a large network of legislative contacts including elected officials, 他们的员工, 说客, 提倡, 以及州政府机构代表. She also built a strong foundation in operations and how to run an office.

在参议院工作了十年之后, Allison was invited to join a prestigious lobby firm as a Government Relations Specialist where she represented clients in the solar, 教育, 回收, 医疗保健行业, and gained valuable experience working with people on both sides of the aisle.

12年6次立法会议之后, Allison left government for the tech world to support C-suite executives at a real e状态 start up. She learned how to build and manage businesses from the best and began to focus her career on operations and project management.

回到山顶, Allison works alongside the Executive Director on developing programming, 执行物流, coordinating outreach and creating the infrastructure for a successful Center. 










The Kozmetsky卓越中心 in Global 金融 was established through a $3 million gift from Ronya Kozmetsky and her late husband, 乔治. 这对夫妇, 以其在德州中部的慈善领导地位而闻名, established the RGK Foundation in 1966 and since then have awarded grants totaling more than $60 million to support humanitarian concerns in the areas of 教育, 社区和医药/保健.

Ronya and 乔治 Kozmetsky envisioned a Center of Excellence in Global 金融 that would make an impact far beyond the campus of St. 爱德华的, benefiting not only 学生 at the university — through interdisciplinary scholarly activities on campus and in international forums — but also individuals around the world who will be affected by sustainable financial stability